Tag Archives: great grandma

Commercial Pilot


My baby is going to be in a Honda commercial! Well, she’s going to be in a shoot for a Honda commercial anyway. I got a call from a friend of mine last week who is a commercial hair and makeup artist that does production work too. Honda contracted her and her production buddies for a commercial shoot in rural Indiana. After meeting with them last week they loved Adri and had a really cute concept of the three of us driving our Pilot to grandma’s house with grandma on the front porch waiting for us. It’s far from any big movie deal. Hell, who knows what the final cut will look like or if we’ll even make it through all the editing but it definitely would be neat if a couple months from now we’re watching TV and see our little bambina in her great grandma’s arms on TV. The weather is supposed to be great for the shoot…now let’s just hope this little princess cooperates! 🙂